
PHO | Pronunciation in English

PHO pronunciation. How to say PHO. Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. Learn more.


Pronunciation · (Hà Nội) IPA: [fɔ˧˧] · (Huế) IPA: [fɔ˧˧] · (Saigon) IPA: [fɔ˧˧] · Audio (Hà Nội): Duration: 1 second.0:01, (file) ...

How to Pronounce Pho (Correctly)

2020年1月2日 — If you're talking about the iconic Vietnamese beef noodle soup, you can say pho bo (“fuuh? bah”). But even if you only say pho, it's always ...

Pho Pronunciation

So, using the International Phonetic Alphabet, the Wiki explains that Phở is pronounced phonetically as [fə̃ː] which sounds like this:.

Pho Definition & Meaning

English speakers replaced the vowel with o but preserved the pronunciation as fuh, rather than foh. ... phopho. Share. Share. Subscribe. Subscribe. Amazon ...

How do you pronounce “pho”?

2021年12月31日 — It's pronounced fuh. Yeah, anyways, wanna go get some foe? Yes.

What Is Pho—And How Is It Pronounced?

2020年5月21日 — Though the most common way to pronounce pho in Vietnam is “fuh” (like “duh”), some regions pronounce it more like “foe” and others stretch the ...


PHOpronunciation.HowtosayPHO.ListentotheaudiopronunciationinEnglish.Learnmore.,Pronunciation·(HàNội)IPA:[fɔ˧˧]·(Huế)IPA:[fɔ˧˧]·(Saigon)IPA:[fɔ˧˧]·Audio(HàNội):Duration:1second.0:01,(file) ...,2020年1月2日—Ifyou'retalkingabouttheiconicVietnamesebeefnoodlesoup,youcansayphobo(“fuuh?bah”).Butevenifyouonlysaypho,it'salways ...,So,usingtheInternationalPhoneticAlphabet,theWikiexplainsthatPhởispronoun...